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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum hasPROJECTS
- Fish projects such as fish farming, aqua farming and strategic fish reservoirs in the Arab countries.
- Designing of up to-date irrigation system projects , underground water, soil analysis, land contour map, hydraulic and topography studies.
- All supporting agricultural projects such as tissue culture, genetic engineering, genetically modified crops, food commodities and nanotechnology.
- Hail agriculture gives a great importance to the developmental projects that deal with the small farmers and animal stock holders.
- Quality control and International Standards of food regulation i.e. ISO and HACCP set up.
- Hail Brochure Ver 2.0
- Projects formulation and development.
- Evaluation and preparation of prefeasibility and feasibility studies.
- Evaluation and preparation of studies for rehabilitation, restructuring and expansion of existing companies.