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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum hasI am pleased to welcome you to Hail Agriculture website which we hope to be
another means of communication with our clients, business partners, associates
and stakeholders. This website would be a reliable and transparent source of
information about our activities.
Food Security has become a very important issue. In this regard, Hail Agriculture
as a private consulting firm seeks to study, develop and deal with projects related
to food security in the region. We really believe that agricultural consultants can
play an essential role in the development of the agricultural sector of the economy
that goes well beyond mere business .
As it appears on our website, Hail Agriculture deals with the whole project cycle,
including project formulation, conducting feasibility studies, implementation,
supervision, project evaluation and follow up and management. We deal with the
investment and development of projects in all agricultural sub-sectors.
Hail Agriculture cooperates with well-known and reputable international
consulting firms and high-caliber consultants. We assure that every consultancy
is dealt with as a mission that has to be fulfilled with the best rapid, intensive and
efficient planning and execution. The satisfaction and the benefit of our clients is
our goal. Our experience and professional teamwork are our means to high quality
We will be pleased if you visit our website again and again in order to be updated
with our services and activities .We also care about your opinions and feedback.
We will be always looking and responding to new clients and business partners.
Let's keep our hands together and play our respective roles to support food
security endeavors for the benefit of the region and the entire globe. Let's work
together to give agricultural consultancies other means and roles besides business
Dr. Abdulkareem M.Al-Amri
Hail Agriculture

- Hail Brochure Ver 2.0
- Projects formulation and development.
- Evaluation and preparation of prefeasibility and feasibility studies.
- Evaluation and preparation of studies for rehabilitation, restructuring and expansion of existing companies.